Rusty Tagliareni

  • Experience:

    Lead graphics and design, photo and video documentation

Rusty Tagliareni is a professional photographer and best selling author of the award-winning “Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital”, a book in the 'Images of America' series by Arcadia publishing, "Abandoned Asylums of the Northeast" and "Abandoned Resorts of the Northeast", introspective and educational chronicles our time documenting our nations shuttered psychiatric hospitals and sprawling resorts, published by 'America Through Time'. As well as the hardcover coffee-table book "Antiquity Echoes: A Photographed Tour of Abandoned America" by 'Skyhorse Publishing', a 300-page gallery that showcases the somber beauty found in modern-day ruins, and the histories which brought about their decline. Prior to its dissolution, Rusty was heavily involved with the Preserve Greystone movement, helping to raise awareness and seek preservation of the disused Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital in Parsippany, New Jersey. Rusty and his work has been featured by 60 Minutes, NBC News, Good Day New York, The New York Times, Vice, and numerous other media outlets.

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