What do you consider to be unique about your specific building compared to other Kirkbrides?
Our Castle on the Hill is still standing!!
What has been your greatest challenge in preservation?
Convincing our city leaders this historic Kirkbride has value and should not be demolished.
How did your community react to the idea of restoration, and did their reactions change after completion of the project?
The community was definitely behind our efforts.
What drove your decision for restoration vs demolition and what was the short- and long-term financial impact?
As they signed our petition to save it, the thousands that took our tours and saw the inside kept us going.
What Kirkbride site, apart from your own, have you viewed as being most worthy of preservation?
Traverse City, Michigan
What drew you to Kirkbride plan buildings?
Because we have one in our home town!
What is unique about your preservation efforts vs what is being done with similar projects elsewhere?
Strictly volunteer, simply wanted others to see the value to our town.
What got you interested in preservation?
Just look at this buiding…
What got you interested in Kirkbride preservation, specifically?
Just look at this building, why would you tear it down?
What unexpected thing did you learn from preserving a Kirkbride that you might pass along to others in support of their efforts?
Never give up in your efforts. Keep fighting as you educate people that preservation of Kirkbride and other important places is important.
Would you be interested in supporting a museum exchange among Kirkbrides that enables exhibition materials, artifacts and ephemera to travel among participating Kirkbrides?
Would like a permanent museum here in our Kirkbride that could include exchange but would need more information about how that would work.